
President Mark began the meeting with ringing of the Rotary bell and with toasts to King and Country and Rotary International. Trudy led in the recitation of the 4-way Test. Mark read a quote from Paul Harris.

Announcements and Club Business

Dictionary project  update:

  • All 14 schools have had their dictionaries delivered for a total of 700 dictionaries donated to school children
  • Thanks to Trudy for all of her hard work!!  Now for the Grant report.... wink
  • Mark will be at Wildflower Farms 8:30 a.m. Nov 2nd for a Hospice Update.  Others are welcome to join.

November 8th Meeting Reminder

There will be a site visit to Elgin Military Museum.  Bring a brown bag lunch.  Coffee and water will be provided.
Guest Speaker: Tifanie Smith, Volunteer Coordinator, V.O.N. Middlesex-Elgin

The V.O.N. has been around for 120 years providing home care/nursing and community support.  One of their main goals is to keep people in their homes and out of hospitals or long-term care facilities.

They have 17 different programs including Alzeimer support, grief counselling, hot meal delivery, transportation, palliative care, exercise programs, etc.

They are funded in part by the Provincial government and in part by fundraising and partnering with service clubs such as ours.

There are 150 volunteers in the Middlesex-Elgin VON who provide 600 hours of volunteer work each month.  They delivered over 10,000 meals in the first 6 months of 2023.

Our club can help by providing financial support, by talking about VON or by volunteering.

50/50 at today's meeting won by Barb

Happy Finns - $100 this week to Rotary Foundation!!

  • Trudy - 4
  • Barb - 4
  • Mary - 1
  • Nancy - 2
  • Ron - 2
  • Mark - 2
  • Pat - 3
  • Maggie - 2
Meeting Adjourned by President Mark.