President Mark opened our meeting with our regular ceremony. Several topics were up for discussion. 1. The Discovery Tour: The general consensus was that we should not do the Tour this year. The recommendation will be taken to the Board for its next meeting. 2. The Visioning Event: A delay until the fall was discussed, however, following the discussion of other topics, it was decided that the May 25 date should be kept so that decisions concerning the club can be made before a membership campaign is undertaken. 3. Meeting Time and Day: Mark is checking to see if any other room is available on Mondays at noon. Again, changes to the time and day may be influenced by our Vision for our club. 4. Selling Stock: An opportunity to purchase and sell the stock of a business that is closing was presented. The club declined to take part. 5. Club Future: While several suggestions were made, it was decided that the Vision for our club will need to to be addressed in order to determine what our future will be. 6. Donation: The Board will be asked to approve of a $1000 donation to Courage for Freedom. Happy Fins were given by all members in recognition of all the wonderful events in their lives, too numerous to mention here. |