Introduction President Mark began the meeting with the ringing of the Rotary bell and with toasts to King and Country and Rotary International. This was followed by a group recitation of the 4-way Test. Mark presented a New Year's Resolution: 1. To be actively involved with all members. 2. To visit another club. 3. To invite at least one new member. 4. To celebrate Rotary. 5. To support Rotary financially. 6. To live the values of Rotary. Lisa MacIntosh and Allyson Watson of Roots of Empathy and Club Member Malcolm Rust Mary introduced Allyson Watson and Lisa MacIntosh of Roots of Empathy. This program was developed to break the cycle of violence and poor parenting in families and was established in Ontario in 1996. It has spread across Canada and is in Europe and Australia. A family with a 2 month old baby visits a classroom 9 times in one school year along with an instructor who attends 2 additional classes for each family visit. The baby becomes the centre for learning empathy and emotional attachment allowing children to explore what they think and how they feel. This interaction increases positive social behaviour and decreases aggression and depression. They develop empathy for others, both cognitive empathy, understanding the perspective of other people, and affirmative empathy, the emotional perspective. A proposal for financial support will be presented to the club's Board of Directors at the next board meeting. The hope is to bring Roots of Empathy to three classrooms next year at a cost of $1500 per class being the amount that is not covered through other supports. For more information, visit | Club Announcements A reminder that the Monday, January 29th meeting will be held at The Bistro at 5:30. Next meeting is January 15th at 11:00 am. Lunch first, then meeting. | Happy Fins | | 50/50 Draw | | | | Mark, Lisa, Barbara, Malcolm, Trudy, Bill, Pat, Mary, and Ron contributed Happy Fins today for the Rotary Foundation. Thank you! | | Lisa from Roots of Empathy won the 50/50 draw. Congratulations!! |