Gerald Vreman indicated that to see the quality of music heard at this event at a concert in Toronto, one would need to pay lots of money. Gerald would know, but we agree with him.
Lucy Van Pelt, (left) poses with Annie Ruan (middle), winner of the Harry Vreman Memorial Scholarship. On the right is adjudicator Susanne Hughes.
Left, Rosemary Charlton congratulates Reuben Redekop (centre), recipient of the Stephanie Leung Memorial Trophy and Scholarship. On the right is adjudicator Susanne Hughes. 
Left, Gerald Vreman holds the Silver Tray with award winner Khoa Yen-Lai (middle). On the right is adjudicator Susanne Hughes.
Rosemary Charlton, Scholarships Sub-Committee, presented flowers to adjudicator Susanne Hughes.
Music Festival chair Frank Exley commented:
"To The Festival Committee:
Thank you to all of you for making the festival this past week one that we can look back at and feel proud. The program last night certainly highlighted the fact that we are getting great competitors, which I am sure we will continue to attract in the future. 
Of course, the future now is planning for the Keynotes Concert" (Friday, April 3rd, 2020 at 7 p.m. Central United Church, Wellington St at Moore, St. Thomas).