Posted on Apr 18, 2018

Malcolm and Pat and Pat

Malcom's 80th Birthday at Wayside.
Hudson(Jennifer's son) sleeps quietly through proceedings.
I guess we must be boring.
Our first discussion today centred on club finances.  The idea was to develop a Fact Sheet that could be used when mentoring new members and explaining why we have Club Funds, an incorporated Club Foundation and The Rotary Foundation to which we send donations.  A draft had been developed by President Trish Shouldice and President-elect Gerard (Gerry) Janssen.
The provincial government has introduced the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act 2010 and it has received royal assent but is still not in force.  When regulations are developed we will have 3 years to transition to the new Act.  Letters Patent will be replaced by Articles of Incorporation and at that time we will be encouraged to go through the exercise of reviewing and amending our documents to comply with the new ONFP Act.
Some questions were referred to the club’s Foundation Board. Are we in compliance with the CRA review of 2011?  Would a second website, to carry news of the activities of the club’s foundation be helpful in sharing news of decisions of the Board of Directors rather than, as at present, those decisions are formally only shared with the membership at the annual meeting?  In the annual Statement of our Foundation’s Financial Position, why do we continue under Net Assets to show the value of our Capital Asset ($46,488) without depreciation?
Our second presentation was made by former President Nancy Lovelock who summarized the results of the 2018 Membership Survey.  There were 16 respondents out of a possible 19.  The responses to each of the 11 questions were considered by the 13 members present. The club’s Board of Directors will bring forward recommended actions to address these issues.
Our third topic was what to do with the historical articles in the homes of various members. It was agreed that Ron will develop an inventory of items on hand and will then approach the Elgin Archives to ascertain their interest in receiving at least some of these.  The anticipated outcome will be that some items are given to the Archives, some kept by the club and others put in the trash.
Bill Horn drew attention to the announcement that a new Kiwanis Club is to be formed in St. Thomas.
HAPPY FINS.  Donations of $5 made to the Annual Programs Fund of The Rotary Foundation in celebration of something good in our lives.
Bill Horn (2) Maggie’s birthday on 17th; recent provincial recognition of Volunteers (6 in the club).
Pat Baker (2) Enjoyed the Keynotes Concert at the Rotary Music Festival; son and his wife moving back     to the area.
Gerry Janssen (2) Malcolm’s 80th birthday; had a recent trip to Holland for a family celebration.
Ron Somerville (2) Arrived at the casino hotel in Windsor to find staff were about to go out on strike.     The concert was cancelled and will be rescheduled.
Stew Shouldice (2) The Keynotes Concert (see Rotary St. Thomas on YouTube for 12 clips of performers);
    He lost a tooth today!
Trish Shouldice (2) Thanking Nancy for her work on the Members Survey; enjoyed her 2yr old     granddaughter and her new words on the weekend.
Malcolm Rust (4) Celebration of my 80th Birthday.
Jenn Babcock (2) Commending Nancy for her work on the survey; looking forward to being able to     volunteer more in the future.
Nancy Lovelock (1) Celebrating a birthday this week.
Pat Martyn (1) George’s wisdom in deciding to book into the Comfort Inn when the ice storm took out      the hydro on Sunday. Just not sure if he was booking in for one person or two!