Club Service
SERVICE by members to the workings of their Rotary Club – that service that makes the Rotary wheel turn, providing the basic needs for good operation of a Rotary Club. The Standard Club By-Laws require that each club have the following Club Service Committees:
ATTENDANCE: To encourage regular attendance, make-ups for missed meetings, promote incentives, find remedies for poor attendance, recommend dismissals for failure to meet requirements.
FELLOWSHIP: To promote acquaintance and fellowship, create an atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality to members, guests and any visiting Rotarians. To keep membership advised of birthdays, anniversaries, special honors to members and those ill or disabled.
PROGRAM: The heart of every good club. To prepare and arrange the programs for each meeting – balanced in subject matter and covering one of the Four Avenues of Service.
MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: To review continuously the club roster of filled and unfilled classifications and to present to the Board of Directors the names of suitable persons for membership.
CLASSIFICATION: Concerns itself with eligibility for membership from the standpoint of the classification principle, remembering that classifications are determined by service to society rather than by position.
MEMBERSHIP: Evaluate prospective members’ character and reputation (both personal and company). Is the proposed member “service minded”, can attendance at weekly meetings and financial obligations of membership be met?
ROTARY INFORMATION: Inform members new and old of the privileges and obligations of Rotary. This is a continuous program on the workings of their club, their district, and Rotary International. A District library of videos and slides is maintained to provide Rotary information.
These are the basic, required Club Service Committees mandated by the Standard Club By-Laws but there are many other committees used effectively by local clubs to fit their particular situation. Recommended and most helpful are the committees for: The Weekly Bulletin, House Committee, The Rotary Foundation, Youth Exchange, The Rotary Endowment Program, and many others.
It should also be noted that Club Service is perhaps the first and best indoctrination for all new members when accepted into membership.